Tuesday, July 8, 2008

new wordpress

so now i have a new wordpress because i lost my password to the last one.

the new one is inthebananboat.wordpress.com

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Ok. sorry i haven't writing in so long. I don't understand how people get the time to do this every day. It's mice to know someone reads it ( thanks Amy.).
Now that I have time to post I don't know what to say.
Let's see I could tell you that I sprained my ankle but by the time you read this you will probably already know that since I will see every one tonight at bible study.
What else is there to say I don't know . For once I'm at a loss for words so how are you/ well that's not the right thing to say because no one is there to answer me at the time.

Ok. I'm tiered of tyring to think of things to say so I will go look at my word press, and try to think of things to say there. by the way for anyone who doesn't know my word press is mygloryinthecross.wordpress.com

Friday, May 9, 2008

so I'm here. the flight was pretty boring except for the lady who got stuck in the bathroom.
i sat in the very back of the plane the very last seat.the plane was very small.The airport here is not like at home. here once you get of the plane there is a whole area inside security. all the restaurants and shops re in security. then you go out of security to meat whoever it is that you're meeting. then you go down satires to pickup your luge. more later i need to go.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Going on a trip

I don't know if anyone even reads my blog anymore. Sory I havn;t posted in so long I've been verry busy lattly. I've been trying to finesh school, log hours, and every thing else that I do during the day.

So now I will get to what I really wanted to post about... My trip!!! I get to go to New jersy, and New york, New York. I'm soo excited if you can't tell. (wich you might not be able to considering you can't see me at the momment.)

Any way I'm going to try and post daily the things that I did.

Also you can pry for me that I don't miss my flight considering that I will be flying alone.

Please pray taht I don't get hurt (well not to badly atleast) whill I'm gone. If it was up to me I whould get hurt all the time , not that I would want to but, God has the whole situation under controle. And if dosn.t want me to get hurt while I 'm gone then I wont get hurt.

Friday, February 22, 2008

FRIDAY.... OH!!!!!!!!!

Today was not the best of days .
let me start at the begging .
Well last night I got practically no sleep so that made today even harder.
Then today I watched a yapping dog, a sick fussy baby,and two children who did not what to listen,and to add to that the toilet overflowed and went into part of the basement(not as bad as last time).

The things I got from today is a new CD ,A clean room(I worked on it most of the day it looked pretty bad and was driving me crazy),and a lot more joy though not at the time.

And too add to the troubles of today are car broke down tonight and we had to have it towed.Lydia brought us home .

Monday, February 18, 2008

Water problems

Please pray for us, our house is leaking water left and right.
Our main drain in the basment is backing up when we run the washer or any other two water
units at the same time.Our main water turn off in the house is also leaking.

I am wanting to wright somthing , if you have any ideas please let me know.

Monday, February 11, 2008

hello out there

Hi it's me

Ok so I coundn't let your note be longer then my post so we now have no use of water at the time.

and by the way me is always me niot you me but me me